A wild brewery,

a distillery

and a family home

Traditionally brewed Foeder

Traditionally brewed Foeder

Brewed a a traditionally Foeder, but fermented on a Foeder for as little as four years. A super drinkable, thirst quenching, sour beer. The complexity of a geuze, but lighter and more crisp.After being one of the fast runners @bar_oorlam for a long time, now also...



And than suddenly it is spring. Here we are working on our agricultural license... In december we planted 150 trees . Which together with some grain and potatoes have to give us a agricultural status and the option of corresponding license. On the side we are...

Wild fermented cidre

Wild fermented cidre

Today I connected our first wild fermented cidre on tap @bar_oorlam. It's unbelievable how much that Jakob Lebel comes through. Lingered quite long... well if you wanna try, see you in a bit!...

Around two years ago, we purchased a farm which had been abandoned for the past two decades.

Due to its prolonged state of disuse, we had to undertake significant renovation work. While we managed to complete a portion of the renovations using our own resources, we now require the assistance of our community to take the final steps.

The Farm

The brewery and distillery facilities are already in place.
However, we require funding for the installation of water management systems for both operations. Our plan is to dig a well on the property to provide us with water, and to construct a water treatment facility, which includes a waterland, to purify waste water and prevent pollution before returning it to the ground.

Our budget for this project is €80,000.

LostHorizon Farm brewery - distillery

We have a total of 167 trees available for future treeholders.

For €500, you can become a guardian and
sponsor of one of the trees in our orchard.


We have a total of 167 trees available for future treeholders. For €500, you can become a guardian and sponsor of one of the trees in our orchard.

You can choose the tree variety that best reflects your personality.  As a treeholder, you will be invited to our Founders Day, which takes place at the beginning of October during apple harvesting season.

As a potential treeholder, we hope to have your support not just for the realization of our farmhouse brewery and distillery, but also for the long-term success of the project, just like the tree you choose to invest in.

If you are unable to become a treeholder at this time, we have other smaller investment packages available.

Foeder Helles Helles for five years on ex white wine Barrique

Foeder Helles

flemish porter - losthorizonfarm

Flemish Porter

Morgenkrieken Two and Five year old lambic style from weissburgunder and Rioja vaten.
Teufelsmoor Tomintoul Barrel Aged imperial Stout with Baiju, Nutmec, Chinese Tang and Unripe Apple
Don Quichot Flemish red on Spanish Rioja red wine barrels
flemish porter - losthorizonfarm
foeder helles - losthorizonfarm
LostHorizon Farm brewery - distillery

Thebüer Str. 7, 27616 Beverstedt, Germany

+49 176 34367697


founders day & festival

On this day, you will receive a magnum bottle of our Founders Beer, a four-year-old wild ale made with elderflower. The inaugural treeholders day will feature music, amazing food, and exclusive breweries at our Lost Horizon Farm. Additionally, for the next ten years, you will receive our exclusive treeholders beer annually, free of charge and shipped to Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg.

We will also have 100 extra tickets available for the treeholders day festival. These festival tickets require a €100 donation, and they come with a magnum bottle of our first treeholders beer.